Anchored for the Mission

Anchored for the Mission is our year-end offering where we seek to give above and beyond our normal giving. This is a time when we collectively come together and give to further the mission outside of the walls of New City Church.

How do I give to Anchored for the Mission?

You can give to Anchored for the Mission on our normal giving page and select from the drop-down list, “Anchored for the Mission”. You can also give via check and write Anchored for the Mission in the memo line.

What is our goal this year?

Our goal this year is to see our church give $41,000 towards Anchored for the Mission! This goal reflects 10% of our yearly budget. This isn’t included in our annual budget instead is an over-and-beyond amount that represents 10% of our budget, meaning we are not budgeting for this each year but instead responding in faith that God will provide more than we plan for!

How is the money given away?

We seek to give outside the walls of New City Church to further the gospel going forth. As we are anchored here in Tampa, we want to be a blessing to those all around the world.

The three areas that we will be giving to are:

  • International Missions

  • Church Planting

  • Local Ministry Partners

What happens if we go over $41,000?

We are praying that we see as we have in the past that God would leave us in awe. If through the generosity of our people, we see over $41,000 come in, that money will be designated for furthering the mission happening here at New City Church.

If I have more questions, how do I ask them?

Reach out to us at and send us your questions!